Žmuc J, Gašljević G, Serša G, Edhemović I, Boc N, Seliškar A, Plavec T, Brloznik M, Milevoj N, Brecelj E, Kos B, Izlakar J, Jarm T, Snoj M, Štukelj M, Miklavčič D, Čemažar M.
Large liver blood vessels and bile ducts are not damaged by electrochemotherapy with bleomycin in pigs.
Sci. Rep. 9:3649: 1-11, 2019. [PDF ] []
2019 The Authors DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-40395-y
Sci. Rep. 9:3649: 1-11, 2019. [PDF ] []
2019 The Authors DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-40395-y