
Publikacije - Miklavcic

Puc M, Kotnik T, Mir LM, Miklavčič D. Quantitative model of small molecules uptake after in vitro cell electropermeabilization.
Bioelectrochemistry 60: 1-10, 2003. [PDF ] []
2003 Elsevier BV. DOI 10.1016/S1567-5394(03)00021-5
Serša G, Čemažar M, Miklavčič D. Tumor blood flow modifying effects of electrochemotherapy: a potential vascular targeted mechanism.
Radiol. Oncol. 37: 43-48, 2003. [PDF ] []
2003 Radiology and Oncology (Ljubljana).
Šel D, Mazeres S, Teissié J, Miklavčič D. Finite-element modeling of needle electrodes in tissue from the perspective of frequent model computation.
IEEE T. Biomed. Eng. 50: 1221-1232, 2003. [PDF ] []
2003 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. DOI 10.1109/TBME.2003.818466
Valič B, Golzio M, Pavlin M, Schatz A, Faurie C, Gabriel B, Teissié J, Rols MP, Miklavčič D. Effect of electric field induced transmembrane potential on spheroidal cells: theory and experiment.
Eur. Biophys. J. 32: 519-528, 2003. [PDF ] []
2003 Springer-Verlag. DOI 10.1007/s00249-003-0296-9
Jarm T, Serša G, Miklavčič D. Oxygenation and blood flow in tumors treated with hydralazine: Evaluation with a novel luminescence-based optic sensor.
Techol. Health Care 10: 363-380, 2002. [PDF ] []
Maček Lebar A, Serša G, Kranjc S, Grošelj A, Miklavčič D. Optimisation of pulse parameters in vitro for in vivo electrochemotherapy.
Anticancer Res. 22: 1731-1736, 2002. [PDF ] []
Maček Lebar A, Troiano GC, Tung L, Miklavčič D. Inter-pulse interval between rectangular voltage pulses affects electroporation threshold of artificial lipid bilayers.
IEEE T. Nanobiosci. 1: 116-120, 2002. [PDF ] []
Pavlin M, Pavšelj N, Miklavčič D. Dependence of induced transmembrane potential on cell density, arrangement, and cell position inside a cell system.
IEEE T. Biomed. Eng. 49: 605-612, 2002. [PDF ] []
Pavlin M, Slivnik T, Miklavčič D. Effective conductivity of cell suspensions.
IEEE T. Biomed. Eng. 49: 77-80, 2002. [PDF ] []
Petkovšek M, Nastran J, Vončina D, Zajec P, Miklavčič D, Serša G. High voltage pulse generation.
Electron. Lett. 38: 680-682, 2002. [PDF ] []