
Publikacije - Miklavcic

Magjarević R, Lacković I, Mir LM, Miklavčič D. Elektrokemoterapija – metodologija i klinička primjena.
Liječničke novine 67: 32-35, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Hrvatska liječnička
Mali B, Jarm T, Čorović S, Paulin-Košir MS, Čemažar M, Serša G, Miklavčič D. The effect of electroporation pulses on functioning of the heart.
Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 46: 745-757, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Springer. DOI 10.1007/s11517-008-0346-7
Pavlin M, Miklavčič D. Theoretical and experimental analysis of conductivity, ion diffusion and molecular transport during cell electroporation — Relation between short-lived and long-lived pores.
Bioelectrochemistry 74: 38-46, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Elsevier BV. DOI 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2008.04.016
Pavšelj N, Cukjati D, Čorović S, Jarm T, Serša G, Miklavčič D. Spremljanje, modeliranje in analiza dogajanja med elektroporacijo celičnih membran in vivo ter njena uporaba.
Med. Razgl. 47: 177-191, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Medicinski razgledi (Ljubljana). ISSN 00
Pavšelj N, Miklavčič D. A numerical model of permeabilized skin with local transport regions.
IEEE T. Biomed. Eng. 55: 1927-1930, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. DOI 10.1109/TBME.2008.919730
Pavšelj N, Miklavčič D. Numerical modeling in electroporation-based biomedical applications.
Radiol. Oncol. 42: 159-168, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Radiology and Oncology (Ljubljana). DOI 10.2478/v10019-008-0008-2
Pavšelj N, Miklavčič D. Numerical models of skin electropermeabilization taking into account conductivity changes and the presence of local transport regions.
IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 36: 1650-1658, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. DOI 10.1109/TPS.2008.928715
Pucihar G, Kotnik T, Miklavčič D, Teissié J. Kinetics of transmembrane transport of small molecules into electropermeabilized cells.
Biophys. J. 95: 2837-2848, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Biophysical Society. DOI 10.1529/biophysj.108.135541
Reberšek M, Čorović S, Serša G, Miklavčič D. Electrode commutation sequence for honeycomb arrangement of electrodes in electrochemotherapy and corresponding electric field distribution.
Bioelectrochemistry 74: 26-31, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Elsevier BV. DOI 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2008.03.001
Serša G, Jarm T, Kotnik T, Coer A, Podkrajšek M, Šentjurc M, Miklavčič D, Kadivec M, Kranjc S, Šečerov A, Čemažar M. Vascular disrupting action of electroporation and electroche-motherapy with bleomycin in murine sarcoma.
Br. J. Cancer 98: 388-398, 2008. [PDF ] []
2008 Cancer Research UK. DOI 10.1038/sj.bjc.6604168