
Publikacije - electroporation

Kandušer M, Fošnarič M, Šentjurc M, Kralj-Iglič V, Hägerstrand H, Iglič A, Miklavčič D. Effect of surfactant polyoxyethylene glycol (C12 E8 ) on electroporation of cell line DC3F.
Colloid. Surface. A 214: 205-217, 2003. [PDF ] []
2003 Elsevier BV. DOI 10.1016/S0927-7757(02)00410-7
Maček Lebar A, Troiano GC, Tung L, Miklavčič D. Inter-pulse interval between rectangular voltage pulses affects electroporation threshold of artificial lipid bilayers.
IEEE T. Nanobiosci. 1: 116-120, 2002. [PDF ] []
Šemrov D, Miklavčič D. Numerical modeling for in vivo electroporation.
Meth. Mol. Med. 37: 63-81, 2000. [PDF ] []
Bobanović F, Bottman DM, Berridge JM, Parkinson AN, Lipp P. Elementary [Ca2+]i signals generated by electroporation functionally mimic those evoked by hormonal stimulation.
FASEB J. 13: 365-376, 1999. [PDF ] []
Miklavčič D, Beravs K, Šemrov D, Čemažar M, Demšar F, Serša G. The importance of electric field distribution for effective in vivo electroporation of tissues.
Biophys. J. 74: 2152-2158, 1998. [PDF ] []