Collaborating research groups
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of chemistry and chemical technology, University of Ljubljana
Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
Chair of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana
Laboratory of Biophysics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Group for nano and biotechnological applications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Laboratory of Microsensor Structures and Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Laboratory of Imaging Technologies, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Laboratory of Biocybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Research group University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences
Jožef Stefan Institute
Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
National Institute of Biology
Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia
Centre of Excellence for Biosensors, Instrumentation and Process Control
C3M – Centre for Computational Continuum Mechanics
Educell – cell therapy service