Post Tagged with: "Hart FX"

Pavšelj N, Cuznar P, Veselovskyi S, Miklavčič D, Hart FX. Measuring the viscoelastic properties of tissue using changes in its capacitance: A feasibility study.
Elektroteh. Vestn. 83: 99-107, 2016. [PDF ] []
Pavlin M, Kandušer M, Reberšek M, Pucihar G, Hart FX, Magjarević R, Miklavčič D. Effect of cell electroporation on the conductivity of a cell suspension.
Biophys. J. 88: 4378-4390, 2005. [PDF ] []
2005 Biophysical Society. DOI 10.1529/biophysj.104.048975