Archive for January 10th, 2020

Jarm T, Krmac T, Magjarević R, Kos B, Cindrič H, Miklavčič, D. Investigation of safety for electrochemotherapy and irreversible electroporation ablation therapies in patients with cardiac pacemakers.
Biomed. Eng. Online 19: 85: 1-18, 2020. [PDF ] []
2020 The Author(s) DOI 10.1186/s12938-020-00827-7
Kulbacka J, Kasztelanic R, Kotulska M, Pysz D, Stępniewski G, Stępień R, Saczko J, Miklavčič D, Buczyński R. Ultrathin glass fiber microprobe for electroporation of arbitrary selected cell groups.
Bioelectrochemistry 135: 107545, 2020. [PDF ] []
2020 The Authors DOI 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2020.107545
Kranjc Brezar S, Kranjc M, Čemažar M, Buček S, Serša G, Miklavčič D. Electrotransfer of siRNA to silence enhanced green fluorescent protein in tumor mediated by a high intensity pulsed electromagnetic field.
Vaccines 2020, 8: 1-15, 2020. [PDF ] []
2020 The Authors DOI 10.3390/vaccines8010049